hVision tutorial


installation instructions

working environment

We need just an editor and a command line terminal, but I recommend that you configure your editor to compile and run programs directly using shortcut keys. Most people prefer emacs or vim but I happily use gedit with "snippets" and "external tools" configured to do many useful tasks.

It is also convenient to open a navigation tab with the local Haddock documentation.

hello world!

Show a single image:

-- tour/hello.hs

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image
import Image.Capture

main = do
    img <- loadRGB "../../data/images/transi/dscn2070.jpg"
    runIt $ browser "image" [img] (const Draw)

Show a live video sequence captured from the input source (the webcam by default):

-- tour/play.hs

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image

main = run $ observe "source" rgb


The pipeline generated by the input sequence is a "Channels" structure. We choose any projection function for the observation windows.

-- tour/playgray.hs

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image.Processing

main = run $ observe "image" grayscale

The pipeline functions are composed with (>>>). "arr" maps a pure function on the infinite list of data items generated by the camera.

-- tour/play1.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = run p

p = observe "RGB" rgb >>> arr grayscale >>> observe "inverted" notI

The above processing pipeline p produces grayscale images. The observation windows show some features of the processed objects, but the results are not sent forward.


We can show different things in a window, selected with the mouse wheel:

-- tour/smon.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Contours.Base
import Image.Processing

main = run $ sMonitor "result" f 

f roi x = [ msg "grayscale"         [ Draw g ]
          , msg "gaussian filter "  [ Draw smooth ]
          , msg "canny edges"       [ Draw (notI edges) ]
    img    = rgb x 
    g      = setRegion roi (grayscale x)
    smooth = gauss Mask5x5 . toFloat $ g
    edges  = canny (0.1,0.3) . gradients $ smooth

    msg s t  =  Draw [ Draw img
                     , Draw t
                     , color yellow $ text (Point 0.9 0.65) s

The Show instance of the Channels structure shows the separate RGB channels and the grayscale image in a 4x4 grid.

-- tour/chanShow.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = run $ sMonitor "image" sh
    sh _ x = [ Draw (rgb x), Draw x ]

We can apply an IO operation to each element in the input pipeline:

-- tour/arrIO.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = run $ observe "img" rgb >>> arrIO (print . size . grayscale)

recommended program structure

The development of certain algorithms requires displaying many intermediate results for debugging purposes. As a result of fast prototyping, some pieces of code are often included in the display functions, which at the end requires some refactoring.

A way to keep things well organized is to separate the algorithmic work from the display functions. I find it useful to define a record with all the intermediate steps in a computation and populate it in a worker function possibly depending on interactive parameters. If the experiment is successful it is easy to extract the relevant code to a library function.

-- tour/work.hs

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, TemplateHaskell #-}

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

autoParam "DemoParam" ""
    [ ("sigma","Float",realParam 5 1 10)

data Experiment = Experiment
    { orig   :: Image RGB
    , mono   :: Image Float
    , smooth :: Image Float

work DemoParam{..} x = Experiment {..}
    orig = rgb x
    mono = grayf x
    smooth = gaussS sigma mono

main = run $   withParam work
           >>> observe "source"    orig
--         >>> observe "smooth"    smooth
           >>> sMonitor "grayscale" sh

sh _roi Experiment{..} = [Draw smooth, Draw mono]

arrow interface

arrows: Arrow notation (include diagram):

loop: circuit loop in arrow notation:

-- tour/loop.hs

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = run  $    observe "source" rgb
            >>>  f
            >>>  observe "result"  (5.*)

f = proc img -> do
    let x = (toFloat . grayscale) img
    p <- delay' -< x
    returnA -< x |-| p

choice: circuit with choice.

-- tour/choice.hs

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = run  $    arrL (zip [0..])
            >>>  separ
            >>>  observe "final" rgb

separ = proc (k,img) -> do
    if odd (k `div` 25)
        then observe "monochrome" grayscale -< img
        else observe "negated" (notI . grayscale) -< img

circuit, nocircuit: arrow notation and recursive do.

fast-slow: pipeline at two frame rates. Check that there is no leaks.

run modes

play0: create a pipeline step explicitly using transUI

play3: insert frames in the video sequence.

-- tour/play3.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import Util.Misc(splitEvery)
main = run $ arrL f >>> observe "RGB" rgb >>> wait (100`div`30)

f = concatMap (\x -> x ++ reverse x ++ x) . splitEvery 30

play4: add frame rate measurement window:

-- tour/play4.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = run $ observe "RGB" rgb >>> freqMonitor

testwebcam: explicitly open the webcam image source.

-- tour/testwebcam.hs

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image.Capture
import Image.Devel

cam = webcam "/dev/video1" (Size 600 800) 30

main = do
    runT_ cam (observe "source" yuyv2rgb  >>> freqMonitor)

general pipelines

play5: the pipeline can be used with sequences of any kind of information. This is a clock:

-- tour/play5.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import Data.Time(getCurrentTime, UTCTime)
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
main = runT_ clock see

see :: Show x => ITrans x x
see = observe "time" (text (Point 0.9 0) . show)

clock :: IO (IO (Maybe UTCTime))
clock = return (threadDelay 10000 >> Just `fmap` getCurrentTime )

play6: In this example we generate random numbers at about 1000Hz, and take the average of each group of 100 elements, producing a final 10Hz output.

-- tour/play6.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import System.Random(randomIO)
import Util.Misc(splitEvery)
import Util.Statistics(mean)
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
main = runT_ rnd  $   see "x"               >>> freqMonitor
                  >>> arrL f >>> see "mean" >>> freqMonitor

see name = observe name (text (Point 0.9 0) . show)

rnd = return (threadDelay 1000 >> fmap (Just . flip mod 10) randomIO)

avg = map (mean . map fromIntegral) . splitEvery 100

f :: [Int] -> [(Int,Double)]
f = zip [1..100] . avg

runmode0: work without GUI

-- tour/runmode0.hs

-- no gui

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = do
    putStrLn "Working without GUI..."
    x <- runS camera  $    arr (sumPixels . grayscale)
                      >>>  arrL (zip [1..] . take 10)
    print x
    print (length x)
    putStrLn "Bye"



work on a long video, take the initial sublist:

$ ./runmode0
Working without GUI...

work on a short video:

 ./runmode0 '../../data/videos/rot4.avi -frames 5 -loop 1'
Working without GUI...


runmode1: normal threaded mode

-- tour/runmode1.hs

-- threaded GUI, output discarded
-- clean exit by user ESC or end of stream

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image

main = run (observe "image" rgb)

runmode00: explicitly open the input source and extract elements:

-- tour/runmode00.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = do
    cam <- camera
    mbimg <- cam
    print (f `fmap` mbimg)

A Maybe type is used to indicate if there is a new element available in the stream or if there are no remaining items. We usually work with the data type ‘Channels’ which provides a few useful image color channels and image formats.

runmode01: run a pipeline wihout a GUI:

-- tour/runmode01.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = do
    rs <- runS camera $ arr f
    print rs

nogui: run a pipeline without GUI:

-- tour/nogui.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = do
    putStrLn "Working without GUI..."
    x <- runS camera  $    arr (sumPixels.grayscale)
                      >>>  arrL (zip [1..] . take 1000)
    print x

runmode2: threaded GUI, returning result:

-- tour/runmode01.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = do
    rs <- runS camera $ arr f
    print rs

runmode02: nonthreaded GUI, returning result:

-- tour/runmode02.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = do
    rs <- runNT camera $ observe "Image" rgb >>> arr f
    print rs

runmode3: nonthreaded GUI, returning result:

-- tour/runmode3.hs

-- non threaded GUI, discarding result

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = do
    runNT_ camera (observe "image" rgb >>> arr (sumPixels.grayscale))
    putStrLn "bye!"

runmode03: threaded GUI, returning result:

-- tour/runmode03.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = runT camera (observe "Image" rgb >>> arr f) >>= print

runmode4: nonthreaded GUI, returning result:

-- tour/runmode4.hs

-- non threaded GUI, returning result

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = do
    r <- runNT camera (observe "image" rgb >>> arr (sumPixels.grayscale))
    print r
    putStrLn "bye!"

runmode04: load single image from the command line:

-- tour/runmode04.hs

import Image.Processing
import System.Environment

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = do
    filename:_ <- getArgs
    img <- channelsFromRGB `fmap` loadRGB filename
    print (f img)

runmode05: load lazily all images in a directory:

-- tour/runmode05.hs

import Image.Processing
import Image.Capture
import System.Environment

f = sumPixels . grayscale . channelsFromRGB

main = do
    folder:_ <- getArgs
    imgs <- readFolderIM folder
    print (map (f.fst) imgs)

runmode06: process pipeline and then work with it:

-- tour/runmode06.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = runS camera (arr f) >>= print . sum

runS: same thing.

-- tour/runS.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

main = do
    r <- runS camera $ arr (size . grayscale)
    print $ take 10 r

scanl1: scanl to perform a recursive computation. The video is shown inside the video. Run as

$ ./scanl1 ../../data/videos/rcube.avi

-- tour/scanl1.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import Contours.Polygons
import Contours
import Util.Geometry
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra((<>))
import Vision(cameraFromHomogZ0,estimateHomographyRaw,ht,scaling) 
import Util.Misc(rotateLeft,posMax)

darkContours = (id &&& (otsuContours >>> map (smoothPolyline 4)))

otsuContours = contours 1000 100 . notI . otsuBinarize

main = run $ arr grayscale
          >>> arr darkContours
          >>> arr (id *** take 1 . polygons 10 5 (4, 4))
          >>> observe "detected" shinfo
          >>> arrL (scanl1 f)
          >>> observe "recursive" fst

shinfo (im,ps) = Draw [ Draw im
                      , (Draw . map (drawContourLabeled blue red white 2 3)) ps ]

f (a,_) (im,c:_) = (warpon im [(h,a)], [c])
    h = estimateHomographyRaw (g c) [[1,r],[-1,r],[-1,-r],[1,-r]] <> scaling 0.95
        r = 0.75
        g (Closed ps) = map (\(Point x y) -> [x,y]) (up ps)
        up = rotateLeft (k+2)
        k = posMax $ map segmentLength (asSegments c)
f _ x = x

single: read a list of image files and lazily work with them. Run as


-- tour/single.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import Image.Capture
import System.Environment

f = sumPixels . grayscale . channelsFromRGB

main = getArgs >>= readImages >>= runITrans (arr f) >>= print

skip: drop the first n frames of the input sequence


-- tour/skip.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import Util.Options

f = sumPixels . grayscale

main = do
    n <- getOption "--skip" 0
    r <- runNT camera $ arrL (drop n) >>> observe "image" rgb >>> arr f
    print (length r)

interface windows

Used in pipelines.

example of an intercative window which captures clicked points:

-- tour/interface.hs

import Vision.GUI hiding (clickPoints)
import Image.Processing

main = run clickPoints

clickPoints :: ITrans Channels ([Point], Image Gray)
clickPoints = transUI $ interface  (Size 240 320) "click points"
                                   state0 firsttime updts acts result display
    state0 = []
    firsttime _ _ = return ()
    updts = [(key (MouseButton LeftButton), \_droi pt pts -> pt:pts)]
    acts  = []
    result _droi pts input = (pts, (pts, notI . grayscale $ input))
    display _droi _pts _input (pts,x) = Draw  [ Draw x, drwpts ]
      where drwpts = (color green . pointSz 3) pts

passROI: example of an interactive window to capture the region of interest.

-- tour/passROI.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing
import Image.ROI

main = run $ arr grayscale >>> getROI "change roi" >>> arr cleanROI >>> observe "only roi" Draw

cleanROI im = resize (roiSize (roi im)) im

getROI name = transUI
            $ interface (Size 240 360) name state0 firsttime updts acts result display
    state0        = ()
    firsttime _ _ = return ()
    updts         = []
    acts          = []
    result droi _s input = ((), setRegion droi input)
    display _droi _s _input output = Draw output

standalone windows

GUI for more conventional programs.

"standalone" interactive graphic window. Click to change state:

-- tour/stand1.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image

main = runIt win

win = standalone (Size 100 400) "click to change" x0 updts [] sh
    x0 = 7
    sh = text (Point 0 0) . show
    updts = [(key (MouseButton LeftButton), \_droi _pt -> (+1)) ]

"browser" window. Use the wheel to see the elements of a list of things:

-- tour/stand2.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image

main = runIt win

win = browser "odd numbers" xs sh
    xs = [1,3 .. 21]
    sh _k = text (Point 0 0) . show

"editor" window. change the elements of a list of things:

-- tour/stand3.hs

import Vision.GUI
import Image
import Util.Misc(replaceAt)

main = runIt win

win = editor update save "editor" [2,4 .. 10] sh
    sh k x = Draw  [  color white $ text (Point 0 0) (show x)
                   ,  color yellow $ text (Point 0.9 0.8) ("# "++show k) ]
    update =  [  op (Char '+') succ
              ,  op (Char '-') pred
              ,  opS (Char 'P') (*10)
    save = [(ctrlS, \_roi _pt (_k,xs) -> print xs)]
    ctrlS = kCtrl (key (Char '\DC3'))
    op c f = updateItem (key c) (const.const $ f)
    opS c f = updateItem ((kShift . key) c) (const.const $ f)


draw, drawParam, drawParam3D: example of drawing functions.

interactive3D: add elements to a 3D graphic from ghci.

interactive parameter windows

"autoParam" automagically creates the parameter record, the interactive window, and support for command line arguments. "withParam" supplies the "current" value to a pure function.

-- tour/param2.hs

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards #-}

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

autoParam "SParam" "g-"  [  ("sigma","Float",realParam 3 0 20)
                         ,  ("scale","Float",realParam 1 0 5) ]

main = run  $    arr grayscale
            >>>  withParam g
            >>>  observe "gauss" id

g SParam{..} = (scale .*) . gaussS sigma . toFloat

-- tour/param3.hs

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards #-}

import Vision.GUI
import Image.Processing

autoParam "SParam" "g-"  [  ("radius","Int",intParam 2 0 10) ]

main = run  $    arr grayscale
            >>>  withParam (,)
            >>>  observe "median filter" sh >>> freqMonitor

sh (SParam{..}, x) = filterMedian radius x

The initial value of any parameter can be set in the command line:

    $ ./ param --g-sigma=1.5

all parameter windows can be removed:

    $ ./ param --default

observe and sMonitor windows can be selectively removed:

    $ ./ param --no-gauss

--options shows all options recognized by a program

connect windows

Changes in the state of a window may trigger changes in other windows:

-- tour/connect.hs

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image
import Util.Geometry

main = runIt $ do
    p <- click "click points"
    w <- browser "work with them" [] (const Draw)
    connectWith g p w

g _ pts = (0, [ map (Segment (Point 0 0)) pts] )

click name = standalone (Size 400 400) name [] updts [] sh
    updts = [ (key (MouseButton LeftButton), \_ p ps -> ps++[p]) ]
    sh = color yellow . drawPointsLabeled

Using the general purpuse "clickPoints" window:

-- tour/clickPoints.hs

import Vision.GUI.Simple
import Image
import Util.Geometry
import Util.Polygon
import Data.Traversable(traverse)
import Util.Options(getRawOption)

main = do
    mbimg <- getRawOption "--image" >>= traverse loadRGB
    runIt $ do
        p <- clickPoints "click points" "--points" () (sh mbimg.fst)
        w <- browser "work with them" [] (const id)
        connectWith g p w

sh mbimg pts = Draw [ Draw mbimg
                    , color yellow . drawPointsLabeled $ pts]

g (k,_) (ps,_) = (k, [ pointSz 5 ps
                     , Draw (Closed ps)
                     , color green $ fillPolygon (Polygon ps)
                     , Draw (convexComponents (Polygon ps))

Explicit use of "evNotify" to do things when the state of an interface window changes.

-- examples/cameracontrol.hs

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards #-}

import Vision.GUI
import System.Process
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad(join,when)

autoParam "V4l2_ctl" ""
    [ ("device",               "Int",     intParam 1 0 1)
    , ("focus",                "Int",     intParam 0 0 255)
    , ("exposure_auto",        "String",  stringParam "1" ["0","1","3"])
    , ("exposure_absolute",    "Int"   ,  intParam 166 1 10000)
    , ("power_line_frequency", "String",  stringParam "0" ["0","1"])

ctl d p v = system ("v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video"++show d++" -c "++p++"="++v) >> return ()

main = runIt $ do
    (wp,gp) <- mkParam :: MkParam V4l2_ctl
    writeIORef (evNotify wp) $ do
        V4l2_ctl{..} <- gp
        ctl device "focus" (show focus)
        ctl device "sharpness" "0"
        when (exposure_auto/="0") $
            ctl device "exposure_auto" exposure_auto
        when (exposure_auto=="0") $
            ctl device "exposure_absolute" (show exposure_absolute)
        ctl device "power_line_frequency" power_line_frequency
    (join . readIORef) (evNotify wp)

other / WIP

noleak, noleak2: check that there are no space leaks caused by observed results no longer used.

noguiraw: tests of low level lazyIO functions.

batch, batch2 (run modes?)

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