A short description of selected available programs:
grid: manipulation of the live video stream using standard list functions.
gradient: show the image gradient as a vector field.
warp: apply a synthetic rotation with interactive parameters to the input stream.
imagproc: interactive illustration of several image processing functions.
keypoints: extraction of interest points based on Hessian.
hessharr: illustration of intermediate steps for interest point detection.
resize: illustration of resize and resizeFull.
mirror: "mirror" effect (vertical reflection of the left part of the image).
crosscorr: image matching of user-selected regions in live video using cross-correlation.
otsu: illustration of Otsu's method for automatic thresholding.
trail: "ghost" effect using arrow notation and recursive do.
twist: linear color transformation.
color: image matching using intersection of color histograms.
chroma: masking images using UV color space on static image.
chroma2: same as chroma, on a progressively zoomed image.
frames: create a list of progressively zoomed images from a given image.
domain: image domain transformation using lookup images.
opencv1: test of opencv's functions: canny and hough.
opencv2: opencv's face detector.
opencv3: compare opencv's findHomography with normalized linear estimation.
st: explicit pixel manipulation using the ST monad.
glyph: extraction of letter fragments.
zcontours: efficient contour extraction.
match2d: compare similar, affine, and projective estimates of the transformation between two sets of 2D points.
trazo: online affine alignment of mouse-written strokes. Press 'a' to add prototype, 'x' to clear the screen.
ransac: demonstration of ransac estimation of line and circle models from 2D samples with lots of outliers.
spline: interactive spline demo.
pose: camera pose estimation and augmented reality from a planar reference. Run as:
./pose '../../data/videos/rot4.avi -loop 0'
cameracontrol: interactive control of webcam parameters: exposure, focus, etc.
matrix: Usage of matrix functions on images.
See the Makefile or run "make" and "make demo" to run these programs with interesting command line arguments.
horizon: click points of rectangle to compute the horizon of the plane.
horizon2: detect a rectangle in a video and show the horizon.
conic: click points and see the intersection line-conic.
crossratio: predict position of equispaced points in image
linemodels: click points and show the estimated line using different linear costs.
rectify: click points in the image of a square to rectify the plane.
synthcam: create a camera matrix from a projection center and a target point and show in 3D.
resection, resection2, resection4: interactive 3D illustration of camera estimation from 3D-2D correspondences
stereo: interactive 3D illustration of a stereo geometry.
multiview: experiments with the multiview tensors.
democlass: display the decision regions of simple classifiers in toy 2D problems.
scatters: several views of the MNIST handwritten digits database in PCA and MDF space.
demotest: 3D representation of PCA for a part of the MNIST database and other experiments.
mnist: see the principal modes of variation in the mnist database.
probability: solve typical problems using the probability monad.
bayesgauss: illustration of bayesian inference for multivariate gaussian distributions.
gptest: example of regression using Gaussian processes.
seecov: click points and see the level curves of the gaussian model.
em: 2D example of estimation of a gaussian mixture model using EM.
seemix: click points and see the mixture model estimated using EM.
median: illustration of Weiszfeld's iteration for the geometric median.
cs: simple example of L1 minimization and compressed sensing.
graph: experiments in spectral graph matching.
pls: experiment in partial least squares regression and related methods.
ukf: check UKF (unscented Kalman filter) functions.
ferns: experiment with naive bayes and ferns.
cinematic: compute very simple inverse cinematics.
minkowsky: example of Minkowsky polygon sum.
lander: path planning using Dijkstra's algorithm in the fgl package. Click on the scene to set the target point, and press '1' to show the graph.
bezier: experiment to fit a polyline to a Bezier curve.