José-Juan López-Espín Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche Departamento de Estadística, matemáticas e Informática Elche, 03202, Spain Domingo Giménez Universidad de Murcia, Spain Solution of simultaneous equations systems by high performance methods Keywords: simultaneous equations, parallel computing, lineal algebra libraries Abstract: In some applications in econometrics it is necessary to solve simultaneous equations systems, which are made of thousands of equations and variables. One possibility is to solve this type of systems with some method which needs a lot of computational resources. On the other hand, it is also possible to solve the systems with a statistic method whose estimations are only approximations, with varying accuracy. Traditionally the second approach is used because no efficient software for high performance computers is available. In this work, the solution of symultaneous equations models by methods which demand the use of great computational resources is studied in high performance systems. The optimization of minimum square, two steps minimum square and iterative minimum square methods for present high performance systems is studied. The use of standard parallel computing software (OpenMP and MPI) and basic linear algebra libraries (BLAS, ATLAS and LAPACK) is considered. The solution of simultaneous equations systems with these routines and publicly available software is compared.